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Below you will find:
The Art of Good Governance: Seven rules to growth and stability
Take care of yourself in ministry
Building for the Gospel: A handbook for the visionary and the terrified
Authority and Joy: The Bible in your Life
Read an excerpt from each title by clicking on the link.
Some titles could be used for a series of group studies, and questions are included. Our list is not long, and our titles include classic reprints. Our hope is to source some of the best evangelical writing.
THE LEADERSHIP FILES: From around the world, across a century
ISBN: 978 1 8380972 0 2
RRP £6.99 138pp
Here you find the accrued wisdom of Christian leaders in the church, in global mission, and in industry and politics.
Why add to books on leadership when there are already too many? A good question to ask. We believe this one is unique in its scope and its content. It brings much to talk about, think about and pray about. Contributions from D E Hoste, Ajith Fernando, Vaughan Roberts, John Stott and others.
Forget everything you have been taught about personal power leading to effective leadership. Confidence, charisma, and chutzpah count for little in God's Kingdom. I learned this the hard way.
Joni Eareckson Tada From the Foreword
How we need godly, gifted leaders. I warmly commend this book with its priceless and enduring lessons to digest and apply.
Lindsay Brown Former Gen Sec, IFES; former International Director, Lausanne Movement.
Includes an Appendix: The Art of Good Governance
We have seen very sad stories in recent years of fine ministries being brought low through inexperienced governance. We trust this short piece, the only one of its kind to our knowledge, will help new board members in particular to grasp their role, and to recognise, and call out, bad practice. It will also act as a vital checklist for long-serving board members. There are clear transferable principles for local church governance: whether leadership teams, Kirk sessions or PCCs. The seven principles are biblical, and so they cross denominations and cultures.
NB This Appendix, expanded, was published as a freestanding booklet in April 2021 entitled 'The Art of Good Governance: 7 Rules for growth and stability'. Sold individually or in packs of 5 or 10 copies. ISBN: 978 1 8380972 5 7.
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Read the Foreword by Joni Earekson Tada.
MONEY AND THE GOSPEL: Giving money with grace; Handling money with integrity
ISBN: 978 1 9996621 2 7
RRP £5.99 80pp
John Stott looks at the Apostle Paul's teaching (1 Corinthians 16 and 2 Corinthians 8,9) on Christian giving. How do we decide what to give? Is it ever right for our giving to go down, if circumstances change? For general use in church life, or with particular reference to a giving appeal or building project.
Chris Wright takes the same passages, and opens out the Apostle's teaching on how to handle money with integrity and transparency. For Treasurers or for anyone who is responsible for special appeals. We are not aware of any other publication which does this job.
Questions included for personal reflection or for group discussion.
Let us know if you can review this book, and where. We will be glad to send you a physical copy or a pdf.
From Amazon:
An excellent book to give to church members to help them in their regular giving, and also good for capital appeals like building projects.
THE CROSS: A fresh look at the meaning of the death of Christ
ISBN: 978 1 9996621 1 0
RRP £5.99 64pp
This fresh re-telling of the Easter story from the Last Supper to Calvary brings many new insights. The intrigue and betrayal in the air as the disciples ate; the fierce, costly love shown by Christ in Gethsemane, as his disciples slept; the illegal and unjust kangaroo court in the middle of the night; the drama of the earth becoming dark and quaking as the Son of God died. Read the story anew, as told and interpreted by this pastor-theologian.
Questions included for personal reflection or for group discussion.
Let us know if you can review this book, and where. We will be glad to send you a physical review copy or a pdf.
From Amazon:
This is the kind of book which needs wide distribution. I believe it will soon get talked about, and passed around friends and churches. It takes the reader from the Upper Room to Calvary and as we follow the Lord Jesus we get to know him better, and gain a new understanding of the cost to him and to God the Father of his death.
I loved the writing - James Philip's phrases were new and telling. And at the back is a study guide which would be great for church groups or for student groups. Buy it - you will be coming back for more copies. Guaranteed!
TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF: Survive and thrive in Christian ministry
ISBN: 978 1 9996621 3 4
RRP £5.99 100pp
A critical book for anyone in ministry who wants to run the race well, and keep running to the end. Pablo Martinez is a psychiatrist who has helped many people in ministry. For church leaders, church apprentices, student workers, staff of mission agencies.
Questions included for personal reflection or for group discussion.
Let us know if you can review this title, and where. we would be glad to send you a physical review copy or a pdf.
We want to see workers being fruitful for the long haul. Would you consider giving it to everyone on your team?
Read the review from Mike Wildsmith, Bridge Chapel, Liverpool.
BUILDING FOR THE GOSPEL: A handbook for the visionary and the terrified
ISBN: b978 1 78498 270 6
RRP £7.99 112pp
Fourth edition. This book is for any church exploring a building project.
Principles are illustrated by stories, and it is full of practical advice.
Members will be asking good and genuine questions like 'Why spend money on buildings when the church is people?' 'Shouldn't we give the money to mission instead?' The book seeks to engage with these questions. Any building project requires sacrificial giving. The author sets out to help church members respond in a thoughtful way.
What people say
'Absolutely essential for anyone becoming involved in a church building or restoration project. A church is about something far more profound than bricks and mortar.' Joseph Kelly, Editor, Church Building magazine
'A splendid resource for anyone considering a building project of some kind at church. Completely packed with spiritual wisdom, practical advice, and worked examples.' Lee Gatiss, Director of Church Society
Published in the UK by Church Society / Lost Coin. Use the contact form for a quote for multiple copies for your church.
The only book of its kind, to our knowledge.
Published in the UK by Church Society / Lost Coin.
Read the address on what the church is intended to be, given at the opening of St Nicholas Undercroft.
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ISBN: 978 1 9996621 8 9
RRP £6.99 100pp
Authority and joy, words which are rarely paired, cannot be pulled apart in the Christian life. This short book, powerfully-reasoned from Scripture, brings a message of confidence in the Bible, and in Christ himself. Here we trace the thread between authority, self-discipline, grace and joy.
'We believe in Jesus, and we believe Jesus' writes Stott. Jesus's high view of Scripture is shown in his life and in his ministry. Christ believed that what scripture says, God says.
Sinclair Ferguson helps us better understand the joy of the Lord, running though Old and New Testaments, a joy which is ours through our union with Christ.
Robert Murray McCheyn's Reading Plan, compiled almost two hundred years ago for his church in Dundee, was written to be 'a helper of your joy'.
From the Foreword
'Enjoying daily companionship with our Father God is an act of the will. A godly life is built on e day at a time.'
Don Cormack. Author of Killing Fields, Living Fields
Principles are illustrated by stories, and it is full of practical advice.
Members will be asking good and genuine questions like 'Why spend money on buildings when the church is people?' 'Shouldn't we give the money to mission instead?' The book seeks to engage with these questions. Any building project requires sacrificial giving. The author sets out to help church members respond in a thoughtful way.
Let us know if you can review this book, and where. We would be delighted to send you a physical review copy.
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